Monday, August 30, 2010


plaster for sale =D
mend for anything and everything..

oh man... i need a chem senior!
doing chem lab report till wanna die ...
hmmm... draw equations there and there...
i am seeing stars le ..

after school nothing to do so accompany zw to city hall buy his slippers.
oh man.. i am getting restless recently
i doze all the way in bus and even at home i was dozing off while having lesson.. wth man
i need coffee... but it sours my gastric like fcuk.
oh well... hahas...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

5 mins

why everything i tink is related to u?

sometimes. not explaining everything is the best explanation..

jac is looking at my blog now!!!

pain pain

one of my favourite shots in NYNY
the apple is so damn chio sia... BOLD & BEAUTIFUL

i jus realise that my index finger is swelling out of no reason sia...

then when i cut a small hole..

alot of pus came out=.=

disgusting ...

wad is the other type of pain that i am experiencing i seriously can't comprehend..

hopefully it will fade off...

report + excel

how am i going to calculate uncertainty when i am not even certain of wad the hell i am certain of?

it applies to both my excel homework and my life..l0ls

i am still doing excel...oh man...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

happiest event before the beginning of 29

Dine out at amk with zw
ate chocolate mudpie..
but end up playing with the mudpie..
hope the present and future will allow me to forget everything fast..


i have jus changed a new blog ..

but i doubt i will upload it recently.

thanks for the wake up msg to me
this time round.
i swear i will stop holding onto u .
stop appearing in ur life.
i will cut all my connections and contact with u.
i will save the 2 msg to remind myself to nv nv nv ever to step into ur life
so that u can move on.
i fight hard in my heart for the dilemma
u made a choice for me..
so i will follow the fate..

bye to everything from u .

note* she believes in karma.
so wadva,howeva she has treated u..
there will bound to be a day whereby someone she love will treat her jus the way she treated u.. so rest assure... life will revenge for u


listen to me baby...
before start u know me
they call me heart breaker
i dun wan to decieve u
if u fall for me.
i am not easy to pleased
i am going to tear u apart
let me tell u from the start