Thursday, January 26, 2012

hi hi blog

i am always an angry girl lols

i am just using the internet to vent my frustrations..
i seriously feel damn pissed off whenever u talk to me..
can't u go for some manners and ettique course to bloody groom urself..
the way u speak to anyone of cos will offend ppl...
no matter how many charms u are given it won;t work cos the PROBLEM FUCKING LIES IN UR BLOODY ATTITUDE...

u can go to work and i cannot go to my school... what's the bloody fucking rationale behind it?
u didn't even realise anything was wrong the last min yet u have the biggest say about the wrong issue... well done.. always trying so damn hard to claim credits...
so it is my fault when she dont wan to go to the doctor..yea my fault..
my fault that i don';t know her medical conditions when i fucking didn't even see the doctor and was rushing around and accompanying my mum...
yea la all the fault is mine la...
even his death also mine..

u are such a BASTARD..
regardless of time ... i hate u.... i really wonder why u are my brother...
but it won't change the fact..
i STILL hated u

she is our mum.. don;t u hvae the responsibility to take care of hertoo??
oh i forgotten that u are like a boss..
u dont do ur housework nor any single shit cos u have ur mum to be a maid to u huh?