Sunday, January 16, 2011

This week was kind of a roller coaster week for me . Well I guess u didn't really know how much it hurts cos probably I didn't express myself out n showed u that wad happen was seriously an OUCHED ?! Perhaps I can't express my anger cos I really dunno how to tell u . Now I wonder if everyone is the same .. This is kind of making me more sad ..

Okies let's move on for the moment .. I m tired of not really doing anything for the week end :/ haix oh well .. Nvm .. Anyways another yer has past .. Why haven't u come and visit me ? How are u ?? Seriously I miss u so much . I bet no one will rmb this day well enough wad happened bt to me .. My whole world has gone chaotic . My system crashed when source of survival was gone . The one that I truly loved has jus left me .. Why wouldn't u stay by me anot longer till i had a family ? Why wouldnt u there for me to see me through wad u have missed .. I know departure was ur best relief but it was the announcement of the dead in me .. I nv will wan to love a person much anymore becos this will prevent me from feeling so Hurt .. I have promised u to have a successful life . Bt I am spiritually gone .. U were my motivation so whenever I do well I can make I proud ..

I promise in my name to do better .
For the whole week . If I see any elderly selling stuff on the street I will buy from them .. They are fragile like u too . May god bless them
Can I at least see u in my dream tonight ? I miss the touchnof ur hands .. I miss ur voice .. I miss the times where u watched sun wu kong in tapes .. Pls tell me where u r

Friday, January 7, 2011


finally went f0r a Picnic which was very very c0ld due t0 the rain!!awww...
but it was damn fun!.. picnic inside a shelter! l0ls
with sandwich!! (leong), chicken and drinks( shan), mine is beehoon and s0me ingredients & cookies wee<3

we held 0ur hands t0gether thr0ugh everything...
and we will c0ntinue trying t0 get better and happier!!

CAREFREE!! k0tex c0mmerical!! hahas bec0s of the mud!! shan and wendy de shirt was stained!!

symmetrical!! see us form a inverted CCCCCC

failed buddha shots!! hahas the weather seriously looks so sad! gloomy awws.

Ballerinas!! hahas tip tip toeee


l0ve l0ve l0ve thm!! seri0usly i believe that people who gave up their friendship for relationship are idiots! i rather be drowned with friends that care and love me!! cos friendship is a circle!1 there is no ending to it...<3>

no sunset! but this is one of the nicest shot!! by bella <3>

Strangers stab u in the front. Friends stab u in the back. Boyfriends stab u in the heart, but best friends only poke each other with straws.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


First semi f0rmal dinner with G0F!
awes0meness! it is jus s0 great t0 being the day with a group 0f l0vely ppl!
it was seriously a damn g00d dinner at tcc which is located at marina at the keppel bay!! thanks to sushan who searched f0r it =D
The girls!!
Our f00d!?!? yummy ! thanks shan the photographer! hahas

This was taken by bella while bella's owner is busy touching other ppl's DSLR!! hahas the owner always scream when she see her camera in my hands ! cos it will be filled with alot of my cute face! in her memory jus within a few minutes XD

WH0EVER who gives up friendship for relationship = m0r0n!
cos friends are the best accompaniment u can find ! this is true for me..
i am beginning to enjoy the love and joy that is given by friends!!
muackies to all my lovely girls and boys!


first 20th birthday celebrati0n for jerm

Happy birthday t0 Jermaine =D
she is the first girl to turn 20! in my sec sch clique =P...
then next one up will be Serene! but first i have to wish yijun's bf happy birthday inadvance! who is getting his ORD in 1 mth time but the sad thing is he have to spend his 21st in camp -.-
Anyways! jermaine wanted a plain birthday cake! so i gave her one and then yijun and fiona decorated the plain cake into wad u see in the pic below=D
Do u see a face?? hahas

The j0ke 0f the day was that ! Jerm th0ught that yijun told her that his bf was a malay! so jerm booked a reservation at a HALAL restaurant jus for her bf! to make his feel invited l0ls! who knows it was a total miscommunication ! hahas yijun bf has a name that sound korean to me! hahas but yijun and her bf are funny!
The green hse cafe at somerset was so damn awes0me! the sits are swing ! with flower de ! 0mg s0 dreamy la....

Yijun,me,alvin,jerm,shangyang and fio! hahas sec 4 classmates sia la...
Okies this pic below was not to show how nice the shoes are! but it is to say how suay i was la! within the first 3 days of 2011! i was bare footed twice la.. how amazing la... on 010111, i was bare footed cos i wore a heels too high that i feel like dying! so i took off my heels ! hahas funny huh... then on 030111, i wore a pair of cherry shoes that i v long nv wear! who know walk halfway to cineleisure.. my shoes jus gave up on me.. i went cott0n on to purchase a pair of SLIPPERS for 5 bucks... awww... finally a decent pair of slipper=D
And i bought this top=D nice nice! the back has a hole ...weee!!

i shall blog about 010111 in the next post!!
today i dr0ve my sis t0 sch and my dad was next to me... irritating enough i MOUNTED THE CURB TWICE LIKE OMG....
seriously i tink i bribed the TP testers... hmmmm

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New post f0r a brand new year

hell0 !!
i drank a vodka with0ut mixing one of the night! i tink it was 30th ..yea .. and seri0usly i tink my face was like a monkey's butt after i finished the 50ml of pure vodka ... -.- wad a loser sia...and yeap i dozed 0ff with0ut realising wad i said n0r h0w i even sleep .. h0w amazing sia...

Celebrated NY with my family by eating steamb0at! wuuhuuu super l0ve steamb0at!was slacking with edward the entire afternoon and thanks for the prresents.. yea i know i was damn fussy l0ls!!it was a very lovely piece of jewellery =D yeaps then i went to drive my dad's car ar0und the neighbourhood with zw and my sis .. the incredible thing was that i almost bang my dad's motorbike with his own ccar! c00l huh... seriously how did i jus get my license?! yeap i did s0me parking in the evening and i parked next to a BMW which i was super nervous in case i scratched it? l0ls...
And my thighs cramped! hahas...irritating piece of shit ... l0ls..
then stayed h0me t0 settle the damn itunes! in the end my c0m l0w batt auto shut d0wn and i can't find the charger! s0 i jus went t0 bed! hahas..
i didn't g0 PARTY ! but it was a silent celebration with the people i love =D

Bef0re i had en0ugh 0f my beauty sleep... this 0ne pers0n came super early t0 cut hair and he washed up in my h0use! and yeap he is n0ne 0ther than edward who was the first pers0n t0 see me wake up ( i seriously l00ked damn shag f0r n0 reas0n) =D 0101 yeap i did rmb ... thanks for the every single thing u did for me..
G0F outing! went t0 marina by the keppel bay! it was awes0me! seriously the walk may be l0ng but s0 l0ng u are n0t al0ne, s0 l0ng that u are walking with a bunch 0f people that u treasure the friendship with... it w0n't be tiring ( other than the damn blisters cos by the high high heels )=D
thanks to sushan who went t0 source 0ut such a W0NDERFUL place f0r a dinner! dinner was g00d and the drinks t00... hahas at least f0r mine it is g00d... l0ls i was still hungry s0 i ate another subway shared with sis =D
shan's drink
Wendy's plain water( she ordered a drink which i nv take photo) l0ls c0ffe with lem0n -.- i admit i am not a coffee lover kl0ls..
This is my mango summer! hahas it is jus mango syrup and coke la!! 0mg but i seriosuly like the glass shape hahas... Z sia la

Awes0me night! awes0me day!
sorry for not making a decision cos i know i suck and u should know i always regret making a decision... u may leave when u find someone better.. but jus know that i am there for u..