Sunday, March 27, 2011

people cry not because they are weak - it is because they have been strong for too long

friday 25/03/11 was a total turn down!! ;( i was so damn l00king f0rward the girls gathering at crystaljade in holland v! HIAZ.. can u imagine how sad the situation was when it was near 7pm when everyone starts calling up tell u that:' i cannot go cos ...................' worst still is one couple gone MIA! and guess wad... we had to contact the bf and realised that they were still sleeping.... oh man!wad a good 7 years friendship.. i told them repeated through facebook, sms and even phone say i have BOOKED A RESERVATION FOR 10 PPL ! only larissa and her bf turn up! thank goodness .. oh seriously.. larissa and i give up on planning all the meets up.. westill love u girls and treasure the friendship alot but we both came to the conclusion that from now onwards if u all wanna meet up, pls plan urself and inform others. please dun only turn to friends only when u need them. i learnt a lesson from my relationships.. DONT NEGLECT UR FRIENDS! WHEN U WAKE UP FROM UR LOVELY DOVELY WORLD.. U WILL REALISE THAT U ARE LONELY COS U HAVE LOST UR FRIENDS. ( directing to 1 particular couple) DESPITE the issues that day.. the steamboat still took place... with me! zhanwei! larissa! and andy! it was still a good dinner.. withOUT THEM!
oh ya! marchy march! a fruitful month for my boyfriend! who turned 22 while doing his ORGANIC LAB! hahas..
oh!! guess wad! i got this photo of myself from last year when i still had my bangs!! cool !! i didn;t realise my hair condition was curly in a damn awesome way! ahhaas so so nice!!
this is a picture of sunset today!

i missed the double rainbow;(

thanks for the lunch! and thanks for ur time!!

quote of the day for everyone and anyone

the worst mistake one can made is too afriad to make one

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Life is short, dessert first!

On a lovely thursday evening =D

jerm, yijun,fiona, serene ,me and zhanwei went for a short gathering @ novena. we went to ate the famous delicious WEE NAM CHICKEN RICE! hahas with ZHI CHAR and each person paid 11 dollars for AWESOME food heehee..

my rice is jus so chio! hahas i played with the dark sauce and started taking photos with them....

started talking to them about the overseas trip but apparently most of them cannot make it. =( they suggested that by hook or crook they will go taiwan next year.. and so cute of them to suggest that after i go taiwan with shan and wendy, i will stay in taiwan and wait for jerm they all then go tour again so i can stay 1 month in taiwan... hahas...i am not that rich..

however, we came to a final conclusion. yeash we are going to overseas this holiday at sunway lagoon.. ( keep fingers crossed=x)

i cannot wait for a holiday man.. i am so so drifting towards there... lovely girls that have been with me since like 7 years! and some even 10 years ! how awesome is friendship =D they allow path of strangers to cross and untie them as pillars of support... so cherish ur friends ppl!
SAY CHEESE!!we are ice cream lovers.. UDDERS UDDERS UDDERS UDDERS! wahahas.. i tried strawberry field with homeycomb vanilla! weee... i nv try the liquor ice cream sia.. i took one lick from fio and ser de i feel so omgOD le... it taste weird..hahas.. i realise i cannot take alcohol cos i will high as though i am on cloud 9!!

next meeting: timbre!! going there for their buffalo wings and duck meat pizza! awww... and not forgetting relax and chat with each other =D i am so gonna try lychee martini man!!

besties =D serene! yijun!jerm!fiona!me!! love love love

Monday, March 7, 2011

sun burnt

On a sunny saturday m0rning! lau, lam and leong went to ECP for cycling session! and although i though i was late.. they were later=.= hahas... supposed to meet at 9 end up 1030 then reach ECP hahas!!

check point 1!!
camwhore at the bedok jetty! hahas the fisherman there are seriously mad to wear long sleeve from head to toe sia !! omg not hot meh... i even got sun burnt that night.. hahas they are my source of joy!
THIS is a new scrupture found at ECP! COOL RIGHT!
aim: SMILE when life brings u down cos u will get over it soon!
enjoyed ! enjoying hahas...
saturday is a day for friend! wahaha infact every day is a day for friend !
cheers to friendship <3

Friday, March 4, 2011

live love laugh

T0day marks the final day of CA1!!

lsm 1101 was the last paper...

initially wanna go swim with shan at the sch pool - but i guess will nv go there cos the pool is super er xin de....

end up we watched THE KING'S SPEECH!

Awesome hahas!! i watched it while drinking GONGCHA wahahs... me and shan smuggled into it...

darn it i cannot upload the trailer into the site ;( apologises.

before entering the cinema.. we went to the canon shop.. so she can touch her DSLR hahas... something shocked us.. the shop assistant dropped the DSLR onto the table =.= so omg PAIN SIA...

anyways Golden village threatre always delay the movie starting time de... so the moral of the story is that jus go late for movies at GV.. never mind... hahas... after the movie! met up with wendy!! then we go chinatown the pasar to makan chicken rice! haha the rice is so small sia... two bowl is still not enough wahaha.. at chinatown ! we will always end ur food with a dessert ! and TA DAAA!!

the never wrong choice to eat is MANGO flavour WAHAHAHS

tHE CHINESE new year deco has not been removed yet so here comes camwhore jiayen!! the background is so so chiooo...

this covering nose action is not deliberate one.... those ah bengs smoking behind us... lmao er xin...

we walked from chinatown to CLARKE QUAY! wah.. it is so near la.. next time can conquer to dhoby ghaut which looks close to clarke quay wahha