Sunday, March 27, 2011

people cry not because they are weak - it is because they have been strong for too long

friday 25/03/11 was a total turn down!! ;( i was so damn l00king f0rward the girls gathering at crystaljade in holland v! HIAZ.. can u imagine how sad the situation was when it was near 7pm when everyone starts calling up tell u that:' i cannot go cos ...................' worst still is one couple gone MIA! and guess wad... we had to contact the bf and realised that they were still sleeping.... oh man!wad a good 7 years friendship.. i told them repeated through facebook, sms and even phone say i have BOOKED A RESERVATION FOR 10 PPL ! only larissa and her bf turn up! thank goodness .. oh seriously.. larissa and i give up on planning all the meets up.. westill love u girls and treasure the friendship alot but we both came to the conclusion that from now onwards if u all wanna meet up, pls plan urself and inform others. please dun only turn to friends only when u need them. i learnt a lesson from my relationships.. DONT NEGLECT UR FRIENDS! WHEN U WAKE UP FROM UR LOVELY DOVELY WORLD.. U WILL REALISE THAT U ARE LONELY COS U HAVE LOST UR FRIENDS. ( directing to 1 particular couple) DESPITE the issues that day.. the steamboat still took place... with me! zhanwei! larissa! and andy! it was still a good dinner.. withOUT THEM!
oh ya! marchy march! a fruitful month for my boyfriend! who turned 22 while doing his ORGANIC LAB! hahas..
oh!! guess wad! i got this photo of myself from last year when i still had my bangs!! cool !! i didn;t realise my hair condition was curly in a damn awesome way! ahhaas so so nice!!
this is a picture of sunset today!

i missed the double rainbow;(

thanks for the lunch! and thanks for ur time!!

quote of the day for everyone and anyone

the worst mistake one can made is too afriad to make one

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