Sunday, October 23, 2011

oh man.. i jus realise it has really been ages that i blog
i am so so so busy this semester.
i took a vietnam and a malay module..
this sem is a made it or break it sem.. i have to score a damn high cap of average A- to get me to my cap where i can almost be least fearful... sian sian
a few more weeks and FINALS will be here... oh well... jus gonna do my best...
have been mugging quite alot...

alot of deadlines will be due soon.. i am so freaking dead la...
got malay and viet oral on the same day..
as well as a ca2 for lsm2103...
hahas... hope that my hardwork dun disappoint me
anyways i miss my grandfather alot...
have been crying at night cos i miss his presence... his hands...
when someone is dead... he leaves a damn heavy impact on others...
and this is wad i called emotionally damaged.. no matter how long time has passed, nothing will recover it...
recently my mum and my grandma legs are giving them problems too...
i should consider to be more independent..
anyways i joined overseas CIP =D
for a learning experience... hopefully it will be a great one for me..

anyways.. everyone has their own problems:D so i cannot complain too much..
jus pray that everyone around me is happy and healthy...
i dun mind shortening my life to 21 .. if that gives them a better life

oh ya.. recently i had very very terrible rash and i found out that it was food allergic.. and the food was SEAFOOD....
i will not touch it anymre!!!
damn it... making me scratch all over my body like a monkey...

hahas... everyone is so busy with their life that they sometimes forgot to appreciate the small little things that happens around them =D

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