Monday, July 18, 2011

busy month of july!!
going for SOW prep camp then i had a jbac camp too...then the last camp of the month SOW'11

heres my adorable tanglin ninjas! the most awesome group where i accomplish my last camp ! knowing alot of new instructors and working with this fun instructor call IKA!!
this group contains 37 pax! hahas... they are a bunch of motivated kids! seriously i dun label them as neighbourhood kids.. they are so hyper!! thanks to them i had my best camp during this holiday<3

i can still remmeber their cute rhis low clap!!! booMZ, SHINGZ! LEOPARD PRINT.. which is led by weixiang!!

in the above photo i was always wearing a headband=( thanks to their vp that say i have a bad image... RAWR!

SOW'11 prep camp..

i havent get the photos yet ;( but definitely it was worth the join.. knowing more ppl from different majors!!

i had fun with GOTHAM!- archangel<3

before the real camp kickstarts.. all the seniors will be busy doing their og video, flag and id tag!! hahas...

i cannot wait for SOW!

it is like having so much fun knowing ppl

anyways the reason that i take part in camps definitely is not becos of gettin tan cos i enjoy being dark..

even the pay is kind of pathetic, we have to work almost like 24/7 for the 3d2n, getting lecture in the middle of night , having debreif till 2 am, getting to sleep at 3 am, doing sentury duty at 4 am.... then wake up at 630 am... hahas having to do belay sch team urself and getting bruises ad blisters everytime...

i did it for passion...

for knowing my strengths and definitely being the best out of me...

1) learning to command and control the crowd, stepping out of ur comfort zone and start talking to ppl- how many of u will wan to do it?

2) learn to be independent, taking care a bunch of 20 pax kids..making sure they listen to u and have fun...- thats the best part of camp... bonding 20 pax together

3) speaking up, ask if u dun know so u wont screw urself and land ur head on the chopping board.- stop being an shy ass

it is an accomplishment when u see 20 pax strangers being so bonded and having so much laughter during that short period of time... awesomeness...

definitely i will not stop working for CHA... or even join other camp groups...

i am intending to learn kayaking =D..

dunno when got time also hahas

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