Thursday, January 26, 2012

hi hi blog

i am always an angry girl lols

i am just using the internet to vent my frustrations..
i seriously feel damn pissed off whenever u talk to me..
can't u go for some manners and ettique course to bloody groom urself..
the way u speak to anyone of cos will offend ppl...
no matter how many charms u are given it won;t work cos the PROBLEM FUCKING LIES IN UR BLOODY ATTITUDE...

u can go to work and i cannot go to my school... what's the bloody fucking rationale behind it?
u didn't even realise anything was wrong the last min yet u have the biggest say about the wrong issue... well done.. always trying so damn hard to claim credits...
so it is my fault when she dont wan to go to the doctor..yea my fault..
my fault that i don';t know her medical conditions when i fucking didn't even see the doctor and was rushing around and accompanying my mum...
yea la all the fault is mine la...
even his death also mine..

u are such a BASTARD..
regardless of time ... i hate u.... i really wonder why u are my brother...
but it won't change the fact..
i STILL hated u

she is our mum.. don;t u hvae the responsibility to take care of hertoo??
oh i forgotten that u are like a boss..
u dont do ur housework nor any single shit cos u have ur mum to be a maid to u huh?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

oh man.. i jus realise it has really been ages that i blog
i am so so so busy this semester.
i took a vietnam and a malay module..
this sem is a made it or break it sem.. i have to score a damn high cap of average A- to get me to my cap where i can almost be least fearful... sian sian
a few more weeks and FINALS will be here... oh well... jus gonna do my best...
have been mugging quite alot...

alot of deadlines will be due soon.. i am so freaking dead la...
got malay and viet oral on the same day..
as well as a ca2 for lsm2103...
hahas... hope that my hardwork dun disappoint me
anyways i miss my grandfather alot...
have been crying at night cos i miss his presence... his hands...
when someone is dead... he leaves a damn heavy impact on others...
and this is wad i called emotionally damaged.. no matter how long time has passed, nothing will recover it...
recently my mum and my grandma legs are giving them problems too...
i should consider to be more independent..
anyways i joined overseas CIP =D
for a learning experience... hopefully it will be a great one for me..

anyways.. everyone has their own problems:D so i cannot complain too much..
jus pray that everyone around me is happy and healthy...
i dun mind shortening my life to 21 .. if that gives them a better life

oh ya.. recently i had very very terrible rash and i found out that it was food allergic.. and the food was SEAFOOD....
i will not touch it anymre!!!
damn it... making me scratch all over my body like a monkey...

hahas... everyone is so busy with their life that they sometimes forgot to appreciate the small little things that happens around them =D

Thursday, August 18, 2011

since damn long i have last updated my bloggie!
now have free time cos i am busy reading up on some science reports!
hurray it is coming to the end of 3 weeks...
and soon it will be 7am recieving sms from NUS!!
This sem shall be a MUG MUGGING MUGGER for me to improve definitely and hopefully do well=D

i enjoyed my SOW camp so damn much and i swear i am going to join the next sow/ scamp camp!!the friends and bonding we had was AWESOME.. nevertheless the FRESHIES=D
Heres some pics of the camp

This is part 2 of the camp.. Senior vs Freshies...
We lost at the station jumping rope and whistle... and the punishment was obvious in the pic... we had to wear a SOCKING ON OUR HEADS to the next station.. oh man.. seriously i dunno where am i in the pic cos all the socking head seniors look the same...
The finale NIGHT!! we had watch performance and we the archangel seniors are damn high... ECSTASY CHEER!!

the station name is called RED HOT CHILLI PEPPER...

i am damn glad i took rank 3 cos i escape from CHILLI PADI... serious tabasco was disgusing sour and hot..then the ayam penyet chilli make me burst out of tears... awesome marvin! he ate the chilli padi !!

Random : we had a dinner to celebrate' farewell for my sister who is heading back to london again to complete her 3rd year !! she is awesome and seriously admirable... she works hard for everything.. just like.. getting overseas to study she plan it herself...i should learn from her =D

anyways we had a big family gathering at some restaurant =D had a great meal then we head to swensens for dessert.. clearly i was eating and not paying the bills that probably hit 5hundred?

whats SOW"11 without RAG DAY?!

this year RAG day was at the promontory =D

This are the bunch of awesome angel seniors that went through everything with me during this camp!!

Night riders!

my first night cycling experience with ANGELS &3 electrak..+ 1 zordon ( hahahs)

i had a lot of bruise on my knee cos i wasn't confident in cycling on the road .. but it was worth the pain to see such awesome sight of singapore!! once in the life time experience!!

we cycled from ECP to Rochor beancurd then go Marina barrage then head back to joo chiat for dim sum and finally to ECP...

Deirdre and fiona and me=D.... the ninjas freshie and archangel seniors.. a pity that yimin didn;t join us...

Random again..hahas at the same farewell dinner=D we look like one family.. seriously i think i am their sister hahas... my uncle is so so so CUTE<3

oh my god.. time flies.. the kids are already like so big la... weeee

Station.. i think we were at the DNA HELIX bridge!! we were suppose to count the numbers of wrong base pair... hahas... but we were tired so end up taking photos =D memories sia...

The almost completed group for night RIDERS'11... weee...

One of the few stations where we had to do jump shots! almost everyting was blur!! weee..

Hence! in conclusion i had ALOT ALOT OF FUN..

i won;t wanna live pass uni life just studying...

it is time for hardwork and fun playing =D

anyways i will be creating a new blog or might be using back this blog... cos i have a malay assignment which is to create a blog and write it all in malay words =.= ohh man... hopefully i can do well...

pada pukul satu suku pagi, tapi saya masih belajar buku sains. wad a life i have.

Monday, July 18, 2011

busy month of july!!
going for SOW prep camp then i had a jbac camp too...then the last camp of the month SOW'11

heres my adorable tanglin ninjas! the most awesome group where i accomplish my last camp ! knowing alot of new instructors and working with this fun instructor call IKA!!
this group contains 37 pax! hahas... they are a bunch of motivated kids! seriously i dun label them as neighbourhood kids.. they are so hyper!! thanks to them i had my best camp during this holiday<3

i can still remmeber their cute rhis low clap!!! booMZ, SHINGZ! LEOPARD PRINT.. which is led by weixiang!!

in the above photo i was always wearing a headband=( thanks to their vp that say i have a bad image... RAWR!

SOW'11 prep camp..

i havent get the photos yet ;( but definitely it was worth the join.. knowing more ppl from different majors!!

i had fun with GOTHAM!- archangel<3

before the real camp kickstarts.. all the seniors will be busy doing their og video, flag and id tag!! hahas...

i cannot wait for SOW!

it is like having so much fun knowing ppl

anyways the reason that i take part in camps definitely is not becos of gettin tan cos i enjoy being dark..

even the pay is kind of pathetic, we have to work almost like 24/7 for the 3d2n, getting lecture in the middle of night , having debreif till 2 am, getting to sleep at 3 am, doing sentury duty at 4 am.... then wake up at 630 am... hahas having to do belay sch team urself and getting bruises ad blisters everytime...

i did it for passion...

for knowing my strengths and definitely being the best out of me...

1) learning to command and control the crowd, stepping out of ur comfort zone and start talking to ppl- how many of u will wan to do it?

2) learn to be independent, taking care a bunch of 20 pax kids..making sure they listen to u and have fun...- thats the best part of camp... bonding 20 pax together

3) speaking up, ask if u dun know so u wont screw urself and land ur head on the chopping board.- stop being an shy ass

it is an accomplishment when u see 20 pax strangers being so bonded and having so much laughter during that short period of time... awesomeness...

definitely i will not stop working for CHA... or even join other camp groups...

i am intending to learn kayaking =D..

dunno when got time also hahas

Thursday, June 30, 2011

News of the week =D
my Sis is back from londON!
hahas she is having very serious JET LAG... she slept at 9pm and woke up 2 am..
her arrival definitely cheered my mum up alot =D..
she bought alot of choco to singapore sia... cos whatever that is sold for like $4 bucks over there is like so damn pricely in singapore!!

my frigde is full of bars of choco!..
hahas =D

our KEE SIAO photo ... i am seriously damn dark hahas...
somehow the youngest has the most mature looks D:
my favourite polariod from USS!! with GLORIA ..
heehee.. i will be heading down for another USS trip with my family ( mostly the younger ones) hahas i am so damn excited to see their face when they get onto the roller coaster sia =P

even thought edward say it was not scary.. omg... he is ajus a brave guy hahahs

my recent like photo!! heehee As we kayak to the left as we KAYAK to the right !! hahas we aim to kayak to TAIWAN =.= haas..

my muscles will be developed after the kayaking session type of guy must be okay in sea sports man... tan and dark =S jus like a horse hahahs

OH this was a damn long photo yet to be posted =D at CARSURINA ROAD.. a awesome japanese food stall =D where we ( darlings <3) gather together and share this joy=D

Thursday, June 23, 2011

=D recently i am using my sis facebook account to sell earrings =D
Dun worries these aren't second hand earrings !!
i had the thoughts of making my own earrings so i just make some handmade earrings and there are spare ones =D...

Cute huhs!!

i had to make my way to JP and Bugis just to scout for all these =/

yea!! i am almost completing my worksheets ! weee

then can relax my life liao...

must complete the worksheets before july ..

if not i wont even hand in the assignment on time la!!