Thursday, September 9, 2010


I jus realised that there are MINI CHIPS MORE cookies...
Jac was eating that for her lunch... i ate 2..l0ls... when u very long nv go eat sth u will miss the taste=D hahas jac is SUPER SUPER KE AI LA...

unexpectedly... i was showered with alots of cookies after school! hahas... thanks for all these sweet little stuff.... they are BOUGHT FROM CINELEISURE FAMOUS AMOS.. and STICKY ( customised candies) from CENTRAL ... and delievered to NUS!=D comes in SQUARE OR CIRCLE..l0ls... AND FINALLY I BOUGHT A RED CRUMPLER... but the sales person was so reluctant to give me RED cos he said BROWN suit me more..OH MAN...
hahas.... camwhore with the cookies... smells good... mrs field de BROWNIES! oh man.. i seriously wonder why did that shop close down... Chem was torturous... i got spillage and i keep smellying the organic compound until my throat is feeling damn bad...... i was extremely happy when crystals are formed=D hahas... this is my NEUTRAL COMPOUND OBTAINED AFTER DISTILLATION.. i will be damn happy if all the chem lab is JUS SOLEY ABOUT FORMING CRYSTALS..=D

i am jogging with edward tomo =D
hope his leg is fine lor... the hamstring pull sounds scary.. hope this jog can help his leg ? like a form of therapy? since his compeitition is coming up soon..
run run run!!

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