Saturday, September 4, 2010

Randomness in life

i always have kOI went we meet outside..
hahas.. today was hazelnut milk tea.. ytd was green tea milk tea..hahas
wuulong milk tea taste weird..
dinner was at mahattan fish market =D l0ls...

ORDER TROPICAL BREEZE .... it is MANGO... so sweet sia... the soda
the fish 'N' chip has a very weird name... but it was nice..

taking about mahattan.. i still owe edward a mahattan seafood platter..wakakas..

hope his legs hurry recover... =D

then can go for compeititions...

edward is so zai ar~! wah so zai ar!

if got time i will go watch his compeition..l0ls support!

MY RING... bought at summerfest ACTIVE..l0ls... and wore it out today..l0ls with my torquoise COTTON ON .. wahahs

camwhore session at friend's workplace... hahas...
oh man.. stuck in between colours.. which is nicer?

oh man...
i wanna buy a new phone ..
i wanna get alot of stuff too

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