Wednesday, December 29, 2010

i am in L0VED!


my darlings!- these are the people who have been ar0und me whenever i need accompaniment! although we are not close to each other in terms of physical distance but we are always there for one another ! muackies to each and all of them! this holiday was amazing cos i met up with alot of them =D

this is a bunch of sweetpie that i met the moment i went to sec0ndary sch00l! 6 years of friendship marks when 2011 arrives! so happy t0 kn0w them c0s i truly l0ve them.. DORCAS, LARISSA,GERALDINE AND XIAO TONG

Next up! my buddies from sec0ndary sch00l t00! we jus met up to celebrate bdae and christmas! lovely bunch of girls that i had alot of fun even though jus spending time eating dinner with them! YI JUN, FIONA, JERMANIE AND SERENE

and definitely not f0rgetting this two sweet darlings! WENDY AND SUSHAN! they are the ones that kept me in shape and always motivating me .. doing crazy stuff together! awww seriously! i love each and every one of them!

if i were to give up anything there is one thing that i will nv give up! that is my friendship with each and every one of them!!

THIS IS G0F= group of friends!! ZHIYONG RYAN , DALVIN * TERRENCE* WENDY SUSHAN MIC *SHARON* my buddies from jc! we are crazy cos we can climb mountains and swim around like mad >.<

L0ving each and all of u guys! i nv enjoyed my friends' presence till i met each and everyone of u ppl ! rock on sweetie! 2011 will be here in 2 days!

my new year resolution
1) Be 0n right track in studying - i am aiming for a cap of 3.0 next sem =D i am willing to exchange my freedom for 13 weeks jus for this =D
2) i will stop Scolding vulgarities! yeash no more any f0rm 0f rude w0rds! mus learn to be m0re civilised and girl-like = m0re decent l00king dresses ( maybe those non decent to clubs =PP
3) learn to be independent ! teen is 0VER! sad but true i need to grow up and be less reliant on others le
4) make time for friends! haahaas gf over bf!
5) spend m0re time with my family!!
L0VE EVERYONE may 2011 be a better year f0r every 0ne
thanks to all th0se wh0 have helped me s0 much thanks

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