Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I feel loved ...

finally the long awaited dec 7 has finally arrived ... waited so long for this day to finally tell everyone it is MY SPECIAL DAY... although everyone is probably looking forward to their 20th birthday while i was happily jus celebrating my birthday =D

a big big thanks to all those that have celebrated my birthday with me...
so worry that the photos were uploaded in a mess...i was lazy to move them around anyways... enjoy these photos=D

Cookies from bf !! with hershey in the middle sia! why are u such a zai baker than me =// i shall bake more from now onwards =) pic look so nice rite! credits to yongfa hahas and i bet it was kailing who baked! hahas zw claimed credits..l0ls jkjk
MY YOUNGER SIS brought me a new TOP =D so so so chio i wanna buy more tops..
edward the sweet ! got me a dog bone pillow! with cover somemore!

Self decorated pillow cover with ultra lots of iron on !! and his art improved damn alot.. 2 drawings sia!! i also cannot draw so well.. ATE SEAFOOD FEAST - chilli crab and my fav cereal prawns- so ultra full sia... shall upload the food if i get the pics soon =D wahahas!!
My BIRTHDAY CAKE from MUM=D delicious and so CHIO
Those that sang and celebrated my birthday at home =D wahahas my ah ma is so so so cute! my cousin also... smelly ah bee ( youngest cousin- he BLEW MY CANDLE!)
My darlings! with gloria! jus ate steamboat at bugis.. initally intended to celebrate xiao tong's birthday but xt cannot make it!hahas... ma la stuff is churning like mad in my stomach =SSS dorcas is so funny jus now.. she was trying to say a new ORGANISM then she end up saying new ORGANSM.. like wth?! everyone went laughing out loud sia!!

See we look nerd dont we.. actually is i look guai only!
My lovely mummy! and my extra cousin! heehee
My cake from GOF! designed by the girls( mic,wendy and shan) wahhas! got DOMO leh!! so touched by the self decorated cake which appeared alot nicer than what me, shan and hong zhuo has done for wendy wahhas!! love u guys so much
I got birthday wishes from my sister through skype and my brother was disturbing us! hhas he got me a keychain while she got me a SHIRT FROM LONDON SIA.. JUS REACHED TODAY=D
Camwhore ! this is a nice picture that was took by LAU photographer! XD so zai.. we spotted this mirror while finding a viod deck to enjoy our Ice flake dessert after my birthday celebration !
GOF(with some missing ppl) - so happy!! the guys are so heng sia.. can take leave and some need to book in after the event!! hahas so so so happy .. ate at wang chai at nex- ultra crowded!


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