Wednesday, December 29, 2010

i am in L0VED!


my darlings!- these are the people who have been ar0und me whenever i need accompaniment! although we are not close to each other in terms of physical distance but we are always there for one another ! muackies to each and all of them! this holiday was amazing cos i met up with alot of them =D

this is a bunch of sweetpie that i met the moment i went to sec0ndary sch00l! 6 years of friendship marks when 2011 arrives! so happy t0 kn0w them c0s i truly l0ve them.. DORCAS, LARISSA,GERALDINE AND XIAO TONG

Next up! my buddies from sec0ndary sch00l t00! we jus met up to celebrate bdae and christmas! lovely bunch of girls that i had alot of fun even though jus spending time eating dinner with them! YI JUN, FIONA, JERMANIE AND SERENE

and definitely not f0rgetting this two sweet darlings! WENDY AND SUSHAN! they are the ones that kept me in shape and always motivating me .. doing crazy stuff together! awww seriously! i love each and every one of them!

if i were to give up anything there is one thing that i will nv give up! that is my friendship with each and every one of them!!

THIS IS G0F= group of friends!! ZHIYONG RYAN , DALVIN * TERRENCE* WENDY SUSHAN MIC *SHARON* my buddies from jc! we are crazy cos we can climb mountains and swim around like mad >.<

L0ving each and all of u guys! i nv enjoyed my friends' presence till i met each and everyone of u ppl ! rock on sweetie! 2011 will be here in 2 days!

my new year resolution
1) Be 0n right track in studying - i am aiming for a cap of 3.0 next sem =D i am willing to exchange my freedom for 13 weeks jus for this =D
2) i will stop Scolding vulgarities! yeash no more any f0rm 0f rude w0rds! mus learn to be m0re civilised and girl-like = m0re decent l00king dresses ( maybe those non decent to clubs =PP
3) learn to be independent ! teen is 0VER! sad but true i need to grow up and be less reliant on others le
4) make time for friends! haahaas gf over bf!
5) spend m0re time with my family!!
L0VE EVERYONE may 2011 be a better year f0r every 0ne
thanks to all th0se wh0 have helped me s0 much thanks

Friday, December 24, 2010

merry christmas!!
shall update later

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

wad a DAY

i pei my mummy at home t0day!!
and i am not g0ing t0 teach u wahahas!1

tats me trying to cut the sauages..omg la... i use scissors then my mum skillfully cut the sausages with the knife 0.0 i feel noob
=D i baked brownies but it didn't seems ok... this is usual wahhahas


i had a hard time getting my iphone today ...
g0t 0ut 0f the damn house without realising that i dun HAVE MY IC with me.
afew days ago m1 at amk hub still had stocks but today i so sad when there isn't then i tried my luck at starhub! then the woman dao me... ask me stand there wait then i say nv bring ic she jus walk away and say can't apply and serve other ppl... so i ask her can reserve....whule she was saying i jus walk away...
i went for tuition and complaint to almost everyone i see hahas!!
then after tuition heng that edward went to my hse take my ic..
yea.... i was pissed... and he got me the iphone from the m1 jus below flc... =D
i am a iphone noob...
and my hp number is damn chioo=D
bye! i am busy with my angel

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

i like it

:) d0 u like it? yeash i d000

Monday, December 20, 2010

seriously tell me how should i feel now?

i am happy with my grades but not so much for my cap.

i thought i had mixed feelings but i realise it was that my feelings don't reveal only to someone close...

alrights wad's done is done... i am going to push up my cap in sem 2..

Fingers 0f L0ve


Fingers of Love

anyways i am sick! damn it...
t0day is a curse!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

life is like an ice cream.... enjoy it before it melts

Monday, December 13, 2010


jus camwhored! hahas my cut legging + new 0oversized shirt! hahas

=D i went FEP with darlings shan and leong!! omg.. saw so many things i wanna buy sia.
but i overspent my entire week allowance at bugis like omg =.-
seriously kill me huh

Last Christmas

LAST CHRISTMAS! This SOng is R0CKing my MInd

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day, you gave it away
This year to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance but you still catch my eye
Tell me, baby, do you recognize me?
Well, it's been a year, it doesn't surprise me

Merry Christmas, I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note saying, "I love you", I meant it
Now I know what a fool I've been
But if you kissed me now I know you'd fool me again

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day, you gave it away
This year to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day, you gave it away
This year to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

A crowded room and friends with tired eyes
I'm hiding from you and your soul of ice
My God, I thought you were someone to rely on
Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on

A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A girl undercover but you tore her apart
Maybe this year, maybe this year
I'll give it to someone special

'Cause last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day, you gave it away
This year to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day, you gave it away
This year to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

And last Christmas
And this year won't be anything like
Anything like

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day, you gave it away
And this year to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Sunday, December 12, 2010

found two damn interesting songs! jus some changes in their words lalas...

Saturday, December 11, 2010


gimme me music ! louder and louder

this song keeps replaying through my mind..
the weather t0day is awes0me!
so feel like swimming.. diving into a pool with all troubles out of my mind=D

quote of the day
all things in life changes, it happens with a valid reason so if u doubt why it can happento u stick to this:we can never learn to be brave and patient if's there is only joy in this world...

sunday PURPLE?

Friday, December 10, 2010


recently i am so damn hooked onto facebook apps sia!!

the quotes are damn nice

wHEn i mISS u, sOMETimes I listeN toMusic or Look At PictuRes OF U. NOt to reMind me of U BUT to MAKE ME fEel as if I'm WIth u. iT maKEs me Forget the dIStance And capture u

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I feel loved ...

finally the long awaited dec 7 has finally arrived ... waited so long for this day to finally tell everyone it is MY SPECIAL DAY... although everyone is probably looking forward to their 20th birthday while i was happily jus celebrating my birthday =D

a big big thanks to all those that have celebrated my birthday with me...
so worry that the photos were uploaded in a mess...i was lazy to move them around anyways... enjoy these photos=D

Cookies from bf !! with hershey in the middle sia! why are u such a zai baker than me =// i shall bake more from now onwards =) pic look so nice rite! credits to yongfa hahas and i bet it was kailing who baked! hahas zw claimed credits..l0ls jkjk
MY YOUNGER SIS brought me a new TOP =D so so so chio i wanna buy more tops..
edward the sweet ! got me a dog bone pillow! with cover somemore!

Self decorated pillow cover with ultra lots of iron on !! and his art improved damn alot.. 2 drawings sia!! i also cannot draw so well.. ATE SEAFOOD FEAST - chilli crab and my fav cereal prawns- so ultra full sia... shall upload the food if i get the pics soon =D wahahas!!
My BIRTHDAY CAKE from MUM=D delicious and so CHIO
Those that sang and celebrated my birthday at home =D wahahas my ah ma is so so so cute! my cousin also... smelly ah bee ( youngest cousin- he BLEW MY CANDLE!)
My darlings! with gloria! jus ate steamboat at bugis.. initally intended to celebrate xiao tong's birthday but xt cannot make it!hahas... ma la stuff is churning like mad in my stomach =SSS dorcas is so funny jus now.. she was trying to say a new ORGANISM then she end up saying new ORGANSM.. like wth?! everyone went laughing out loud sia!!

See we look nerd dont we.. actually is i look guai only!
My lovely mummy! and my extra cousin! heehee
My cake from GOF! designed by the girls( mic,wendy and shan) wahhas! got DOMO leh!! so touched by the self decorated cake which appeared alot nicer than what me, shan and hong zhuo has done for wendy wahhas!! love u guys so much
I got birthday wishes from my sister through skype and my brother was disturbing us! hhas he got me a keychain while she got me a SHIRT FROM LONDON SIA.. JUS REACHED TODAY=D
Camwhore ! this is a nice picture that was took by LAU photographer! XD so zai.. we spotted this mirror while finding a viod deck to enjoy our Ice flake dessert after my birthday celebration !
GOF(with some missing ppl) - so happy!! the guys are so heng sia.. can take leave and some need to book in after the event!! hahas so so so happy .. ate at wang chai at nex- ultra crowded!


Sunday, December 5, 2010

run devil RUN

woke up damn late today ...
when for afternoon jog -.- ( wad goes in must eventually come out sia... i ate a burger then vomit while jogging lols)
then i felt so tired.. so i lied down on the field ( since i was the only one there on this lovely sunday afternoon)... when we begin to ignore how fast time pass... what are the disturbance we have around us... u will begin to realise how peaceful this world is..
millions of thoughts were passing through my mind at that moment..

although it was hot.. it was a breezy afternoon... i begin to reflect about what i have done this year..all the events.. all the joy.. all the sadness... all the everything that i have did ...
isn't life good if we are easily content?

this year was a year that i had a long long break...
i ran away
from my problems... and i promise myself to face my problems from now onwards... during the period whereby my uncle fell ill, i indugle myself with work, work and work and even more work.... i left house early to avoid talking to my family.. i came home late to ensure that no one talks to me.. and i jus took up more and more jobs and kill my self with jobs...
then i move on to working camps.. in search of my personality and learn how to be dependent... yea i enjoyed it.. but i realise when i am working too much i am neglecting alot of people around me...i am a mother person. i nag and nag and care too much that hinder people from moving away from their comfort zone.. and this can be good and bad...
i realise i was too busy working that i had no time for my friends...and friends are important cos they are rainbows! so now that i realise this.. i am definitely going to make time for my friends <3>
then i got into uni... i guess without sushan or jac.. i probably die.. cos i dun get information myself.... i tend to hear from ppl.. so this is sth that i mus mus mus change... learn to survive on my own ! can't be over dependent on others... yea must change this =D
in life there are always setbacks... it is dependent on how u get pass them and learn from every experience so u can really grow up .... i used to ting that wy others have things that i dun have.... but nw i learn to cherish things that i really have....
i love my parents! especially my mum... for her strict discipline... even though she dun put makeup, have dark eye circles, white hair....still she is beautiful... both my parents have worked hard to bring us up... i know that the scholarship will lessen ur burden .. i wil try to get it if i can...but i seriously hate to be involved with the powers of the society.. i dun like biasness.. i dun wan to work with someone that i am not interested in... i dun like politics!! i am tempted to work under doctors for experiences but ... can i please dun be invovled with him? why must he allocate me to the same section doing the same knid of work?
i know i have my limits.there is only a certain extend that i can go.. but i asure u that it is the furtherest i can stretch... i appear to be happy but do u know whats my trouble? i wan u to be happy and work more.. i wanna lightened ur burden..
and u.. stop judging me.. i dun wan to grow into someone like u! fuck off thanks
in summary --- JIAYEN IT IS UR TIME TO GROW UP...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

christmas feel

christmas is c0ming!?! wuuu hooo

white christmas with blue lights

enjoying the festive with all ur love ones..awws enjoy this song !!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


WOOHOOO 301110!!
1st day of the holidays XD
it was pouring damn heavy..
went CSI exhibition with zw ... stupid sia no cameras allowed then end up can't upload photos..wad an asssss...
it was my birthday celebration( random sia! they didn't plan l0l)

hahas in total we ordered 17 x 5 of xlb!! hahas.. it was damn damn damn damn fulling sia!! jus enjoy going out with friends!!
love u guys!! jiayou for ur exams!!

went jogging with zw=D
i dunno why but i often vomit and get gastric when i jog for too long sia... dun like to be so weak =/ this holiday must train 5km! sobs... =D jiayou

=D i was showered with alot of sweet stuff that night.. thanks edward.

japanese choco biscuits =D vanilla and choco flavour!!
Camwhore with the box of kisses choco <3 style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 200px; DISPLAY: block; HEIGHT: 150px; CURSOR: hand" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5546104357915268642" border="0" alt="" src="">

nua the whole day with zw lols...
watched the prianna"?( shit dunnoe how to spell) was laughing .. only got a damn shocked at the end! hahas FUN FUN
i didn;t jerk... it was earthquake!!
zw behaves like a machine gun... so damn noisy... worst than a recorder... nagging the whole 15 mins++ on taking 10dollars back ...wah lua leh
wad a long holiday... ahas... today is only the 4th day after exam.. gosh it feels so damn long sia...

does it mean that it passes ur bdae.. u need to handle stuff more maturely?
i guess i need to grow up more


waiting To Find my way Back t0 Y0U bc0s tats where ii'm h0me

ON 291010
this is a late post!!

after exam!! PC1221!!!
me and shan was so damn damn happy... was almost walking out of school when she said we had to go take lab report -.- ohhh man...then walk to s12 then s5 then ate at SCI canteen!! jus becos we saw a woman eating ayam penyet while we are walking to s5 to collect reports wahahas...
on the walk way out! i was using phone then shan was walking next to me suddenly JUMPED! and i roughly saw a brown ting moving so i JUMPED too.. eh up i realise it was a LEAF-.- LMAO
then we slowly nua to bus stop.. then i tell her... ' LET GO DRINK GONG CHA!'
wahhas...then we went...
hahas!! shan was damn funny, after drinking gong cha de milk tea! she said: KOI LOST! l0ls... after mixing the milk... she felt gong cha taste weird..l0ls....

went to buy contact lens! after so long of not wearing contacts, it waste so much of my time to put in the contact lens.. and with my long nails.. i got difficulty taking my lens... DARN! IT WAS 30 BUCKS!
finally! after such a long time .. i was able to put make up!! cover up my eye bags=)
HAD A GREAT AWESOME DINNER WITH THE GIRLS! simply love them!! friends are important!=D

they are like rainbows=D there for u even after a st0rm<3 style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 200px; DISPLAY: block; HEIGHT: 134px; CURSOR: hand" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5546096701689161922" border="0" alt="" src=""> after dinner! we went to see lightings at orchard! wee it was diffcult to take photos where there is a brighter background that cos ur face to be so dark=//

Thursday, November 25, 2010

guess what song is this

It starts with one thing.
I don't know why, it doesn't even matter how hard u try
all i know, time is a vaulable thing...
It all fell apart. what eventually be will eventuall be
I had to fall to lose it all..
but in the end it doesn't matter at all
despite the way u mock at me as though i was ur property
In the end, u kept everything inside...

guess it correctly...
then u get my thoughts...
emo songs can change my mood..
have been blasting music...
hahas i close my door and lock the windows. so stuffy sia...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


i am screwed up for social work..
i am only interested in elderly topic damn...shit

seriously i get piss off when u dun get my points..
maybe thats the reason why we always end up quarrelling !
heck care... i am going for a jog tomo morning.

happpy 2mths
this is the picture of the day! awesomenessss


why don't u understand?

listening to 987 jus made me feel relaxed...
laughing at stupid stuff...
no wonder it is my favourite channels...

Monday, November 22, 2010

holiday when are u coming?
why am i waiting sobsobsobs


Sunday, November 21, 2010

shame on u

wad a plant day
had breakfast with edward this morning ..
initally wanna makan wanton mee then end up nv open and ate kueh chap? hahas but it didn't taste good so we didn't ate finish everything... and i drank dumpling soup! only that was good hahas...
jiayou for your compeition tonight...
congrats to score the last 3 point ! cheer up kays... although u all lost by 1 point...

i feel so horrifying to read the newspaper today.. it isn't about how amazing that the lady needs so many help jus to get to hospital article but about it somehow reflected how gossiping and badmouth that writer can be... so what if the sembawang lady weights 230 kg and needs 8 paramedi ? is it to the concern to u or anyone else that u must write an article about it? are business for newspaper getting so bad recently that they have to resort to publish such article? SHAME ON U THE AUTHOR ... u are a disgrace ...

oh well..thanks to u i hae decided to NO PURCHASE THE NEWSPAPER ANYMORE..waste of money... i will rather buy the straits time! at least they have substance....
and perhaps becos of the way u find ' interesting' articles... u are employed as a newspaper author... cos u have got NO SUBSTANCES..
had a headache this afternoon, practically didn;t study much... sians...
worried for social work ! sian
gosh gosh gosh....

i jus browsed through the net and saw some nice photos =D

AWWWS i miss overseas trip with these butch of babes!BINTANNN.. this dec i wanna to escape overseas

In this heavy rain.... the rain drops were falling on me...

and i was still waiting for u...

nice quote: u came into my life and thought me how to be alone

Saturday, November 20, 2010

missing everyone

i woke up with both eyes super red! damn tired.. fell down on my bed.. so interesting huh.. i seriously can sleep like no body's business...l0ls
i have 3 phones with 2 alarms set in each phone.. and i set them everyday... AMAZING I CAN SNOOZE FOR 30 MINS..l0ls.and 30 mins is confirm a underrated value!!

EXAM at pgp...
GOSH WHEN I FIRST SEE PAPER I STUNT... but i somehow got wad the paper wanted=D
lols... who invented microscope? is this EVEN IN BIODIVERSITY?!
i was super happy about the animalia kingdom qns!! =D
only plants was a worry la..sian lo...

i came to realise all along ... the one that i loved was calvin! lols.. he smells awesome...
i am so kissing my calvinnnnnn
this photo should be uploaded damn long ago la! it was 1104's 2nd last practical hahas... we are testing for muscles?i can't remmeber sia hahs

INEZ IS AWESOME PRETTY.. she looks damn cute with red/pink head band!! feel like cuddling her T.T

hahas! i mis my jie

my cute cousin
i am so going to spend my holiday frutifully

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

silence can kill
gosh... listening to background music is putting me to sleep...

call me up when everything gets noisy again

recover soon edward

Monday, November 15, 2010

=D hello neoooo
i know u are looking at my blog now?


Sunday, November 14, 2010

glad to know u have someone else in mind

wishing u all the best !

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

-.- why i hate insects


-.- so irritating!
omg i stayed in school and mug for this damn LEC SET!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


awww i can't wait for dec to arrive...
this is my to-do-list
- meet up with all my buddies and chill!!
- go shopping!
( accessories! pants!new clothes! shoes! bags! slippers!) need chaperone!! hahas
- spend quality time and compensate zw!!=D
-promised larissa to go safari,bird park, USS and overseas!!
- jio edward go out!! he owe me food or the other way round?l0ls
-sweat out!- camp Camp CAmp CAMp CAMP!!!!

new phone?

Friday, November 5, 2010


super unwell
so wanna vomit
and i am having very terrible stomach cramps
diahorrea sia ...sian

thats when u turned and said to me

Rain outside my window keeps pouring...

this song is jus running through my mind like mad...

i went to science centre on friday!
didn't know it closed at 6pm..wad a turn off..
didn't watch CSI
jus walk science centre exhibition..
the irritating thing is i NV WALK FINISH WHEN IT CLOSED! TMD
but at least dinner with jer and ser was AWESOME!
ichiban q was crazy.
but we were served by a super friendly waitress...
then we chat..
will u feel tied down if someone proposes to u when u are 21?

oh man.... i am labelled as 'ill treating bf'
=.= hahas
they keep saying i won't settle down... hahas
maybe i jus love to float around hahas

today i ate macspicy... stomach is churning like omg now..
zw ! i teach u ORGANIC CHEM WAN?

i shall upload photos soon =D

Thursday, November 4, 2010

heavy discussions

wad a heavy discussion for dinner tonight


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

arhhh pain pain pain

stupid jiayen went to bed with wet hair and her watch pressing the back of her head...
giving her extreme bad headache this morning =/
irritating giddiness make me so sian sometimes

today ate mutubak!
yewww the onions...
it was overpriced but i can't be bothered...
it taste so different from the one that i first ate it...
anyways it is my second time eating MUTABAK

i wanna try paper roti and dosai... they loook good on photo but.... i doubt they might be nice- photos are DECIEVING

thanks zw for the koi =D
but now it seems my body mechanism is going crazy ..
my tummy aches

no dinner tonight...
so cooked noodles. now wanna puke...
so salty....

i wanna cut short hair sia...
my hair is disgusting dry

yea!! tml going eat with jerm and ser! my first ichiban sia !!
i shall change my nail colour

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

what was the cold shoulder about

what a smoothing song for me tonight...

i know i made a few mistakes

but i nv thought things will turn out this way

u made it clear when u said i jus dun love u no more...

awesome song...

awwww i miss neg! hahas

Sunday, October 31, 2010


oh man.. this is disgusting
i am spending my haloween busy doing my reports and essay?!
i swear i wan my birthday to a chaotic one..
oh man

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Love this song alot =D
enjoy it=D

aTE big breakfast today!
and popcorns?
hahas so weird...

fish soup was awesome!
i am studying abit today....=D

Friday, October 29, 2010

certainty u have changed
i no longer know u so much like i do...
who are you?
wads the real you?

wake me up when everything ends


i threw my bad temper this afternoon..
i seriously hate the feeling whereby i suddenly feels empty..
the loneliness and the lost feeling was terrible...
wad the hell is wrong with me..
i tink i had too much free time thats why my mind could have such random thoughts ...

My camwhore pic =D!

this is one of the more decent photo... hahas... the rest are all unglam.
my thigh got scratched by neg..hahas


i am so shock to see 4 jersery that formed my bdaes =D
thanks edward.. so sweet of u