Monday, February 28, 2011

MY fear

I look as thought I have no fears . Those piercing and craziest thoughts that I have .. Bt today !! I have to let
My fear triumphed over me :( I HAD a TOOTHACHE ..
I was trembling like mad when I was walking outside the dental clinic and I had to drag my mum into the room with me
.. Ok I am kid . Always a kid in front of my mum :p I squeezed my mums hand v tight :( cos I hate drilling ..
And as I had expected ! I got gum infection .. Now I am over dozed with dental products that I mus mus MUsT use them daily ! *puff*
I must do it twice a day . Floss them one by one . Then brush them 2 times :( first with normal toothpaste then I need to rebrush with the anti bac toothpaste that is v v mint :( then I need to rinse my mouth for five mins with the listerine :0
This is a must for healthier gums. :((

Another thing is I cannot eat sweets stuff . So pls steal . Take . Whack me if u see me having sweets around me :(
Opportunity cost for healthy teeth n gum is sweets !! Oh man

Anywyas I had a decay on my front tooth .. This totally freaked me out 0.0
I cannot stop touching my filling with my tongue :(

Awww :( anyways this week is after recess week - exam !!!!!!

Pray pray pray give me easy paper and better brains :)
I wanna bring my mum over seas
I am kind of enlightened recently haha ..

Who is the one that smiles like a kid when she takes a cadbury fruit and nut chocolate bar ? Who is the one that likes watching Korean drama over and over again without complaining boring ? Who wakes up in the middle of the night and observe how I sleep and cover mt blanket ?
I promise to b ur glOry

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Long time since I have blogged !! Omg so many things I have to blog about
1) I apologize to y mum and she smiled like a kiddo :D so sweet haha
2) I got my scholarship ! 1 k for free bt must do cip
3) I found directions in my life after a game -
4) I got Into sow ! Wow ! Time for now friendship and new bonding !!
5) I I am involved in balloon astuff for an event :/
6) recess week has ended . Exams are coming le ;0 !!
7) hey baby stop lying
8) mic has went overseas le :/
9) I wanna enjoy my life as much as possible :) I am joining skates club if my og does
10) I wan more friends :) I like a group :D haha and I miss my darlings men !!
11) planning for overseas trip with my friends :)
12) I got a screw haircut.
13) I am so sian abt recess week cos I have been sleeping alot recently cos I am damn tired rawr !!
14) I realize that it is not wise to take everything so serious . It was a joke at the beginning dude
1) go swimming every week
2) go out with darlings more - their exam or poly life coming to an end le :D work
And study !!
3) chiong

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dreaming about your real-life boyfriend can mean he's on your mind for a particular reason right now. Pay attention to what's happening in the dream for cues about your thoughts and feelings toward your boyfriend or relationship.
I seriously can't sleep with the dream that was flashing in my brain so I went to google out the dream meaning :(
I shall think Of sth happy to blog

Hmmm I am going to a PUB tomorrow !! I shall drink :)
Heard that there was a article about a teacher proposing to anotHer teacher at a public movie screening .. Haha so sweet . I will never marry a guy who doesnt propose cos seriously it is once in a lifetime thing . Don't propose then fuck off haha ...

Come to thing about it . I rmb a horrible dream I had last night . Who feels happy in dreams that her Bf get snatched away ? Haha I tink I watch too much plastic bottle video Liao . Omg la .. If thT happens wad will u do ??
1) smile and leave cos u know his heart is no longer with u
2) snatch back !
All well I am not confident I choose 1 . Cos if at the end u realize that he really dun love u anymore then u will cry like a bitch haha .

I am faced with an awkward situation now . I dunnno hw to be happy when we have jus quarreled so much . U can do it bt are u happy ? Nope I am not thts why I dunno how to talk to u .. I dunno when will I be back to normal

Anyways I must remember to buy fbt pants tomo !!!
Recently my post all v emo 0.0
Life keeps pushing me down bt I will not give in to it !
Hmmm I had an argument with Zw .
My temper is fxuk up to the maxi at times to my Bf only . Bt I hardly throw temper to my Fran . My side of the story is I feel like a fucktard waiting in sch till 8pm and was asked to go home myself . And initially planned to eat dinner end up he help his Fran to do stuff . The issue is not abt me being Angry that he helped his Fran bt it is he didn't inform me thAt he wasn't free . If he had informed me I would have went back home first . Luckily I had my og friends to accompany me while they went for their lessons . If nt I will b stuck at the canteen . I got pretty mad cos thts was wad I got for waiting ?
So today he too experienced the feeling I had went through . Bt it wasn't on purpose for nt meetinghim . I know my temper suck so if I were to meet up . I swear he will jus feel more screwed . So end up quarrel again and ther he goes saying that he failure la .. Etc. So my thought was since u so failture then I shouldn't get together with u la . And then quarrel again .

I shall vent anger in swimming again .
Seriously Now I wonder if u were jus a friend probably we could be v good friends cos I will nt have temper .. Why the hell did I even agree to get together knowig this eventually will happen ..

A lighted path?

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Hello bloggie !! This is the only place where my voices can be heard I suppose so ..
It is amazing how the table can turn around from u .. Making u a disturbance to everyone . Guess wad ? Ppl seriously listen to one sided options huh ? Oh well .. I give up . I will jus shut the fish up :) that's the best I wan at least jus silence ok ?
her side of story is that I am rebellious . And the plain truth is I have always dislike him to a big extend . So I Try to decrease the amount of communication since I knew I didnt like u even a bit .
Fine . U are the one who gave the permission to keep the pet now u are telling the whole world I force the dog home . I attitude u ? Have u put uraelf in my shoes ? How the hell m I going to be accountable to Zw Or his siblings ? Have u thought about how discreditable I will be ? U nv . U jus thought about urself .. Fine . The incident was over and u brought it up again and threw ur temper at me .. So u think I should be happy ? Or not even angry ? And ur sweet husband is always telling me tat I am fooling around . Which eyes have u seen me not studying ? When I am studying were u even encouraging ? None of u ppl did .. I may appear happy bt I am sock of the fake happiness I am showing . There is a limit to how my heart can contain everything . Facebook and blog are a expression freedom thing . If u think it insulted u . Then dun read . And stop actin u care and u know can ?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

bef0re the dinner i went to puppy island and look at neg ... they took off his collar....i can't wait for monday to see him again.. anyways i hope he is fine
hello.. happy new year everyone
today was a b0ring day..
i literally sit on the bed and watch tv...
anyways talking doesnt mean everything is ssolved..
Steamboat dinner ! the soup turned pink becos of the pink meat ball -.- so i didn;t even wanna touch the steamboat.. kind of gross...
CURLED HAIR .. i still miss my natural hair.. anyways i tink i look too feminie here... omg
i merely can't be bother

my straight hair before i curl it!! hahas i am jus so zhi lian

this is wad happens if jiayen turns white

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

hello blog...

i jus realise it has almost been 15 days since i have last blog... i have so many things to pour out from my mind and heart...definitely goods and bads like roller coaster..
Neg was the new member in my hse .. it came on a wednesday! i was super happy that time.. i totally lost my focus as i will always look at him.. i use to do that.........
it was an experience for me to keep a dog...he sleeps with me at night... when i study he will stone.. when i sleep he will find a spot next to me.. when i wake up he will wake up with me... i was so happy that finally i got a pet.. i bought so much snacks for him... jus to shower him with my love...
i promised him to be a good owner ..
i am emotional.. i declare that..
at least neg as a dog is a form of accompaniment to me...
but do they know? i hate to see death..
all the shit they know is to nag at me.. scold me and jus say comments without thinking...
dog pee and shit around can control one meh... if can control then wont it be called a machine dog? u think dog can understand us and behave jus like a human? if u think so then hopefully u next life be a dog la...
bring him to a new environment of cos need to adapt .. u tink toilet train so
easy? u all dun even wan to help.. u all only help to DRIVE ME CRAZY...
every time neg do something wrong then u all complaint and keep calling me.. HELO.DO I FREAKING LOOK LIKE A CONTROL STATION?
anyways i am not going to hide the names of who i am referring to cos i am sick of typing ambigous things... they are MY MOTHER AND MY BROTHER..
she was the one who say ok to keep the dog.. then after a few day she say give the dog back.. hello... NEG IS NOT A FREAKING TOY ... u happy happy take not happy then give back... u not embarrassed i also am can.. did u consider my thoughts? put urself into my shoes? u know how much arguements and unhappiness have u cause between me and zw and his siblings jus by those sentences ?
by saying i am willing to take the dog.. that means i promise them to take care of neg le.. THEN U SAY NO... HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO EXPLAIN TO THEM?- and thanks for even CALING ZW TO TAKE HIS DOG BACK.. U SERIOUSLY NEVER SAVE MY FACE FOR ME..
nvm.. then comes he to rub salt in my wound... the problem with him is tat he thinks he knows alot.. but that is theory.. it is not practical... then i exploded... unleashing out all the unhappiness i bottled up.. SERIOUSLY NO MATTER WAD.. NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE THE FACT THAT I HATE U SINCE MY GRANDFATHER WAS DEAD!
u are jus egoistic... but u dun know.. cos NO ONE WANS TO TELL U THAT STRAIGHT IN UR FACE.. u jus dun know how many ppl finds u annoying... finds u too bossy.. always RIDING HERD ON OTHERS... my previous blog was always abt u being so cocky....
ok.. i decided to shut the fcuk up .. so i bottled up every freaking shit that is happening.. I AM IGNORING EVERYONE.. i decided to jus SHUT UP and be a mute...