Thursday, February 17, 2011

I shall think Of sth happy to blog

Hmmm I am going to a PUB tomorrow !! I shall drink :)
Heard that there was a article about a teacher proposing to anotHer teacher at a public movie screening .. Haha so sweet . I will never marry a guy who doesnt propose cos seriously it is once in a lifetime thing . Don't propose then fuck off haha ...

Come to thing about it . I rmb a horrible dream I had last night . Who feels happy in dreams that her Bf get snatched away ? Haha I tink I watch too much plastic bottle video Liao . Omg la .. If thT happens wad will u do ??
1) smile and leave cos u know his heart is no longer with u
2) snatch back !
All well I am not confident I choose 1 . Cos if at the end u realize that he really dun love u anymore then u will cry like a bitch haha .

I am faced with an awkward situation now . I dunnno hw to be happy when we have jus quarreled so much . U can do it bt are u happy ? Nope I am not thts why I dunno how to talk to u .. I dunno when will I be back to normal

Anyways I must remember to buy fbt pants tomo !!!

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