Saturday, February 26, 2011

Long time since I have blogged !! Omg so many things I have to blog about
1) I apologize to y mum and she smiled like a kiddo :D so sweet haha
2) I got my scholarship ! 1 k for free bt must do cip
3) I found directions in my life after a game -
4) I got Into sow ! Wow ! Time for now friendship and new bonding !!
5) I I am involved in balloon astuff for an event :/
6) recess week has ended . Exams are coming le ;0 !!
7) hey baby stop lying
8) mic has went overseas le :/
9) I wanna enjoy my life as much as possible :) I am joining skates club if my og does
10) I wan more friends :) I like a group :D haha and I miss my darlings men !!
11) planning for overseas trip with my friends :)
12) I got a screw haircut.
13) I am so sian abt recess week cos I have been sleeping alot recently cos I am damn tired rawr !!
14) I realize that it is not wise to take everything so serious . It was a joke at the beginning dude
1) go swimming every week
2) go out with darlings more - their exam or poly life coming to an end le :D work
And study !!
3) chiong

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