Sunday, February 13, 2011


Hello bloggie !! This is the only place where my voices can be heard I suppose so ..
It is amazing how the table can turn around from u .. Making u a disturbance to everyone . Guess wad ? Ppl seriously listen to one sided options huh ? Oh well .. I give up . I will jus shut the fish up :) that's the best I wan at least jus silence ok ?
her side of story is that I am rebellious . And the plain truth is I have always dislike him to a big extend . So I Try to decrease the amount of communication since I knew I didnt like u even a bit .
Fine . U are the one who gave the permission to keep the pet now u are telling the whole world I force the dog home . I attitude u ? Have u put uraelf in my shoes ? How the hell m I going to be accountable to Zw Or his siblings ? Have u thought about how discreditable I will be ? U nv . U jus thought about urself .. Fine . The incident was over and u brought it up again and threw ur temper at me .. So u think I should be happy ? Or not even angry ? And ur sweet husband is always telling me tat I am fooling around . Which eyes have u seen me not studying ? When I am studying were u even encouraging ? None of u ppl did .. I may appear happy bt I am sock of the fake happiness I am showing . There is a limit to how my heart can contain everything . Facebook and blog are a expression freedom thing . If u think it insulted u . Then dun read . And stop actin u care and u know can ?

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