Monday, February 28, 2011

MY fear

I look as thought I have no fears . Those piercing and craziest thoughts that I have .. Bt today !! I have to let
My fear triumphed over me :( I HAD a TOOTHACHE ..
I was trembling like mad when I was walking outside the dental clinic and I had to drag my mum into the room with me
.. Ok I am kid . Always a kid in front of my mum :p I squeezed my mums hand v tight :( cos I hate drilling ..
And as I had expected ! I got gum infection .. Now I am over dozed with dental products that I mus mus MUsT use them daily ! *puff*
I must do it twice a day . Floss them one by one . Then brush them 2 times :( first with normal toothpaste then I need to rebrush with the anti bac toothpaste that is v v mint :( then I need to rinse my mouth for five mins with the listerine :0
This is a must for healthier gums. :((

Another thing is I cannot eat sweets stuff . So pls steal . Take . Whack me if u see me having sweets around me :(
Opportunity cost for healthy teeth n gum is sweets !! Oh man

Anywyas I had a decay on my front tooth .. This totally freaked me out 0.0
I cannot stop touching my filling with my tongue :(

Awww :( anyways this week is after recess week - exam !!!!!!

Pray pray pray give me easy paper and better brains :)
I wanna bring my mum over seas
I am kind of enlightened recently haha ..

Who is the one that smiles like a kid when she takes a cadbury fruit and nut chocolate bar ? Who is the one that likes watching Korean drama over and over again without complaining boring ? Who wakes up in the middle of the night and observe how I sleep and cover mt blanket ?
I promise to b ur glOry

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