Thursday, February 17, 2011

Recently my post all v emo 0.0
Life keeps pushing me down bt I will not give in to it !
Hmmm I had an argument with Zw .
My temper is fxuk up to the maxi at times to my Bf only . Bt I hardly throw temper to my Fran . My side of the story is I feel like a fucktard waiting in sch till 8pm and was asked to go home myself . And initially planned to eat dinner end up he help his Fran to do stuff . The issue is not abt me being Angry that he helped his Fran bt it is he didn't inform me thAt he wasn't free . If he had informed me I would have went back home first . Luckily I had my og friends to accompany me while they went for their lessons . If nt I will b stuck at the canteen . I got pretty mad cos thts was wad I got for waiting ?
So today he too experienced the feeling I had went through . Bt it wasn't on purpose for nt meetinghim . I know my temper suck so if I were to meet up . I swear he will jus feel more screwed . So end up quarrel again and ther he goes saying that he failure la .. Etc. So my thought was since u so failture then I shouldn't get together with u la . And then quarrel again .

I shall vent anger in swimming again .
Seriously Now I wonder if u were jus a friend probably we could be v good friends cos I will nt have temper .. Why the hell did I even agree to get together knowig this eventually will happen ..

A lighted path?

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